berikut DATA PIN IC TDA 8360 - DATA PIN IC TDA 8361 - DATA PIN IC TDA8362
Pin 1 : audio de-emphasis and ± modulation switch/ AUDEEM = 3.2v
Pin 2 : IF demodulator tuned circuit/IFDEM1 = 5,9v
Pin 3 : IF demodulator tuned circuit/IFDEM2 = 5,9v
Pin 4 : video identi?cation output/MUTE input/ IDENT = 7,2v
Pin 5 : sound IF input and volume control/SOIF = 1,3v
Pin 6 : external audio input/EXTAU = 4,3v
Pin 7 : IF video output = 4.2v
Pin 8 : decoupling digital supply/DECDIG = 1,7v
Pin 9 : ground 1/GND1
Pin 10 : supply voltage/VP/vcc = 8v
Pin 11 : ground 2/GND2
Pin 12 : decoupling ?lter tuning/DECFT = 4,2v
Pin 13 : internal CVBS input/CVBSINT = 4.3v
Pin 14 : peaking control input/PEAKIN = 2.2v
Pin 15 : external CVBS input/CVBSEXT = 3,8v
Pin 16 : chrominance and A/V switch input/CHROMA = 0,1v
Pin 17 : brightness control input/BRI = 3,2v
Pin 18 : blue output/BOUT = 2,4v
Pin 19 : green output/GOUT = 2,4v
Pin 20 : red output/ROUT = 2,4v
Pin 21 : RGB insertion and blanking input/RGBIN = 0,3v
Pin 22 : red input/RIN = 2.6v
Pin 23 : green input/GIN = 2,6v
Pin 24 : blue input/BIN = 2,6v
Pin 25: contrast control input/CON = 2,2v
Pin 26 : saturation control input/SAT = 1,1v
Pin 27 : hue control input (or chrominance output)/HUE = 0,9v
Pin 28 : B-Y input signal/BYI = 4,3v
Pin 29 : R-Y input signal/RYI = in 4,3v
Pin 30 : R-Y output signal/RYO = 1,5v
Pin 31 : B-Y output signal/BYO = 1,5v
Pin 32 : 4.43 MHz output for TDA8395/XTALOUT = 1,5v
Pin 33 : loop ?lter burst phase detector/DET = 5,4v
Pin 34 : 3,58 MHz crystal connection/XTAL1 = 3,2v
Pin 35 : 4,43 MHz crystal connection/XTAL2 = 3,2v
Pin 36 : supply/start horizontal oscillator/VSTART = 8,6v
Pin 37 : horizontal output/HOUT = 0,4v
Pin 38 : pyback input/sandcastle output/FBI/SCO = 1,2v
Pin 39 : phase 2 loop ?lter/PH2LF = 2,5v
Pin 40 : phase 1 loop ?lter/PH1LF = 4,0v
Pin 41 : vertical feedback input/ VFB = 2,8v
Pin 42 : vertical ramp generator/VRAMP = 2,8v
Pin 43 : vertical output/V OUT = 0,9v
Pin 44 : AFC output/AFC OUT = 4,5v
Pin 45 : IF input 1/IF IN 1 = 4,2v
Pin 46 : IF input 2/IF IN 2 = 4,2v
Pin 47 : tuner AGC output/ AGC OUT = 6,5v
Pin 48 : AGC decoupling capacitor/DEC AGC = 3,9v
Pin 49 : tuner take-over adjustment/TUNE ADJ = 1,1v
Pin 50 : audio output/AUOUT = 4.0v
Pin 51 : decoupling sound demodulator/DECDEM = 3,4v
Pin 52 : decoupling bandgap supply/ DECBG = 7,0v